MARTIN PAPERS. Vols. XLIX-LIV. Official Letter Books of Sir Thomas Byam Martin, as Comptroller of the Navy; 1816-1831. There is an index at the end of each volume. Six volumes. Paper. Folio. 1816-1831


MARTIN PAPERS. Vols. XLIX-LIV. Official Letter Books of Sir Thomas Byam Martin, as Comptroller of the Navy; 1816-1831. There is an index at the end of each volume. Six volumes. Paper. Folio. 1816-1831

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SNAC Resource ID: 6538484

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Martin, Thomas Byam, Sir (person)

Epithet: Admiral of the Fleet British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000560.0x00038d ...